I did some searching for articles I've collected about bones/joints, so tried to combine them all here. Most are 3rd. party information. Happy researching!
The following are key points to consider about Bone health.
Here's the key . The bones are made up of dozens of minerals and the article's main concern was focusing on calcium only. Life Force's OsteoProCare doesn't do that. There are several other minerals including 46 trace minerals present in their formula. Not to mention the array of Minerals you get with the Body Balance, so this concern doesn't apply to those of us using the Body Balance and OsteoCare products from Life Force. In fact you cannot utilize calcium without the trace minerals - a problem for most of the population because they do not get trace minerals in any of the foods they typically eat. I liked the emphasis in the article on the other things we need for strong bones such as:
Here are some experts taken from a Health Journal by Steven Horne Called "Nature's Field":
Bones are the body's mineral storehouse and minerals are the "dust of the earth" from which our body is made. Bones absorb minerals when they are available in the diet and release them as they are needed by other tissues. * You can't make bone with calcium alone. You need the right forms of calcium (whole plant form or Calcium Orotate if supplementing) fats, proteins and vitamins to assimilate it and the other minerals. In fact, it is these other minerals that give bones their strength, flexibility and durability. * General lack of good nutrition, expecially trace minerals is why peoplle have so many probelms with their bones, not just from a lack of proper calcium. * Tooth decay is one of the primary signs of malnutrition, especially a diet poor in trace minerals and an acidic diet. (if you are interested in Acid/Alkaline eating charts, I can send you one) * Eating a diet that is more alkalyzing and free of excess sugars helps increase bone density, because both will cause minerals to be pulled out of the bones.
Calcium Orotate Video
Here's a video that did a good job explaining the different types of Calcium. This guy is a third party resource, not associated with LifeForce. He is also a naturopath and nutritionist among other things.
Remember LF is a calcium orotate, which he is referring to, but LF calcium isn’t only a calcium orotate, but a blend of minerals, glucosamine, Chondroiton, Vit. D3, Trace minerals and l carnatine etc.. There is absolutely nothing that beats LF Calcium in absorbability and content. Another point to remember is that we cannot effectively utilize all our Calcium without the proper Trace Minerals which none of us get in our diets due to soil depletion of minerals in the foods that we eat. Body Balance being made from the Sea Vegetables are full of all the trace and rare trace minerals essential to optimal body functioning. We have another Calcium available if a person needs a vegetarian source since the Glucosamine in this one is derived from shellfish.
The following article is posted on Dr. Toni Tirri's website and is his explanation of why OsteoProCare works so well
OsteoProcare and OsteoOmegacare is a highly advanced form of Calcium Orotate that has been combined with Magnesium. This combination efficiently delivers the maximum levels of calcium to help promote optimum bone and cellular heatlh.
What is An Orotate?
Orotates are the mineral salts of a natural substance called orotic acid. It is found in your body and also in dairy products. It is believed that minerals and vitamins in orotate form act as superior transporters throughout the body. When a mineral is in an orotate form, it can pass through cell membranes easily without breaking apart so it can get to where it is needed most - joints, tissues, and cartilage.
How about Calcium Orotate? How does it differ from regular Calcium?
98% of the calcium in your body is found in your bones. In fact, calcium is the most abundant mineral in your body. If your bones loose more calcium than they take in, you can loose bone mass and weaken your bone structure. Calcium orotate (because of its unique molecular structure) possesses the ability to penetrate bones, cartilage, and other tissue more effectively than regular calcium to help promote the re-calcification of your skeleton. This is a key point. You take calcium for one reason, receive it where it's needed to support optimal bone health. Most traditional forms of calcium ( an estimated 70 to 80% ) are flushed out of your system before they can be absorbed! Calcium Orotate is different because it's highly absorbable!
What Does Magnesium do for the Skeleton?
Many people are experiencing magnesium deficiencies. Why? Because of diets high in processed or fast foods! Magnesium promotes the proper absorption of calcium by your bones. Magnesium is also vitally important for a healhty cardiovascular system, for improved blood pressure, and for promoting a relaxed mood. Specifically, magnesium acts as a "transporter" to help push calcium more efficiently through your cells so it can reach areas (bones, brain, cardiovascular system) where it's vitally needed.
About Dr. Hans Nieper
Dr. Hans Nieper's theoretical explanation (of the mechanisms behind his stunning success in the clinical application of sophisticated mineral transporters) rely heavily on the concept of the fixed pore mechanism of active transport. The theory called "fixed pore mechanism" suggests a carrier molecule, in this case Orotic Acid (B-13), is attached to the compound being transported. This research has inspired the creation of mineral chelates called orotic acid chelates ( or orotates) which offer a 20-fold increase in mineral utilization. Nieper promoted orotates for nearly every ailment imaginable and was consequently ignored. Most of his medical claims were never rigorously tested. However, in certain applications (such as athletic performance) where his ideas underwent peer-reviewed, scientific scrutiny, they have been found to work! Nieper was on the right track after all.
Calcium and Magnesium was used by Nieper. The long-term clinical tolerance and overall value of calcium orotate is far superior to other therapeutic calcium substances and to the so-called immune depressors. Orotates are mineral salts of orotic acid which is used by plants and animals to make DNA and RNA. Prior to 1980, Hans Nieper, a physician and experimenter in offbeat theories of gravitation, used orotates in clinical applications. He believed orotate salts, being neutrally charged, pass easily through cell membranes. In effect, orotate ferries the mineral atoms into cells and tissues, thus producing higher concentrations.
This article was given to me by a nurse
OsteoProCare vs Fosamax
Fosamax is America's leading drug for Osteoperosis with sales of over $704 million last year. Is it safe? Common side effects include heartburn, nausea, abdominal pain, and ulcers “in some people”. In fact 12% of the women who take Fosamax require medical treatment for these disturbances, and 14% of those women have to be hospitalized! According to James Balch, M.D.
“What get me hopping made is that all the claims about how it increases bone density are misleading. You see, even though Fosamax makes your bones denser, it actually makes them more brittle! Here's Why:
Your Bones contain special cells called osteoclasts and osteoblasts. The osteoclasts break down old bone, and the osteoblasts build new bone. Fosamax works by poisoning your bone-remodeling osteoclasts that break down old bone. Then since the old bone is never broken down, bones do get thicker – but also weaker and more brittle. But it does nothing to build new bone. So even though your bones become denser, that density is made up of older, weaker bone cells.”
The good news is that you don't have to take Fosamax. That's because there are safe, natural ways to re-build your nones. That's calcium.
When God engineered the human body, He chose calcium to be the #1 mineral in the body and also the hardest one to assimilate. Remember this: all calcium is not the same. Some is ground up rocks and your body is not able to metabolize it and when any is not absorbed into the body, it must either be excreted or stored. When it is excreted, it is done so through the kidneys which uses calcium in the process. Because of this, you may be actually losing more calcium than if you weren't taking the supplement. If you store it, it can become a stone and manifest in any one of several places that people have stones – kidney, gall bladder, or even joint tissues.
Calcium is sometimes detrimental (made from limestone or coral – it is white chalk). Calcium Orotate is absorbable (Made from oyster shell). Only Calcium Orotate penetrates directly through the membrane, delivering calcium to the interior of the cell where it is utilized. Calcium Orotate is made by chelating Calcium Carbonate with Vitamin B13 (also called Orotic Acid). One of the functions of Orotic Acid is to metabolize folic acid and and Vitamin B12, which helps to prevent premature aging and weight loss. Calcium works by encouraging the fat cells to burn extra fat. When your calcium levels are low, there is a gene in your body that gets turned on, causing your body to store more fat, but when your calcium levels are high, the gene is turned off. (Dr. Michael Zemel of the University of Tennessee) All calcium is not the same and just because you are taking calcium doesn't mean that it's getting to the cellular level.
This article is concerning the joint product we have called FlexeoPlus
Summary done by a nurse
FlexeoPlus is a liquid health supplement that supports healthy bones and joints. The three power components of FlexeoPlus -- MSM, glucosamine and ipriflavone – work together to support an active lifestyle by reducing calcium loss from bones, strengthening and lubricating joints, promoting cartilage and connective tissue repair , and promoting joint flexibility. Every bodily movement would be much more difficult without the shock-absorption of cartilage. Join us as we uncover some of the magic of these ingredients.
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is commonly used to support joint function, which can be diminished by uncharacteristic wearing of the cartilage that covers and cushions joints or by diminished synovial fluid, which lubricates joints. We can easily see a connection between supplementing with MSM and lubricating our car doors with WD-40.
A double-blind, placebo-controlled study suggested that 1,500 mg. Per day of MSM was helpful in supporting knee function. Participants who took MSM had improved physical functioning; without major adverse events (Usha and Naidu 2004). MSM has been shown to support an active lifestyle by helping to protect the cartilage, allowing individuals to continue executing weight-bearing activities, including walking and standing.
Glucosamine is a naturally occurring nutrient often derived from shellfish, containing glucose (a sugar) and an “amine” (Glutamine; an amino acid). It is not present in significant amounts in most diets, justifying the importance of supplementation. Glucosamine is a significant component of cartilage, acting as an important building block required by the body to create molecules called glycosaminoglycans.
Glucosamine is quickly becoming one of the most popular supplements today due to is ability to lubricate joints and help regenerate cartilage, ligaments and tendons. Researchers believe that glucosamine beneficially affects the imbalance between rates of synthesis and degradation of the cartilage proteooglycans, pushing the balance more toward synthesis Supporting connective tissue serves to maintain healthy and flexible joints by providing proper cushioning and defense against strains caused by physical training, frequent exercising and the natural effects of aging. Recommendations of 500 mg, three times per day, have consistently delivered the best results.
Ipriflavone is considered the bone builder of FlexeoPlus' ingredients—it actually retards osteoclasts (bone-eroding cells), allowing for osteoblasts (bone-building cells) to operate more efficiently. It has also shown to increase bone calcium retention, and has even demonstrated the ability to maintain bone density at the spine. While Ipriflavone does occur naturally in food, it is only in trace amounts, again calling out the importance of supplementation.
Between 1989 and 2000, at least 31 human clinical studies on ipriflavone were reported. These studies involved a total of 4,298 patients, and 1,495 of these patients were treated with ipriflavone. Eighteen of these studies focused on bone mineral density and were controlled by placebos. Of these 18, approximately ½ showed ipriflavone to either augment bone density or at least reduce bone loss significantly more than calcium alone (osteoporosis Education Project Analysis). Research supports that segmented does from between 250 and 1,250 mg. of ipriflavone per day promote optimal results.
The synergistic effect of glucosamine, ipriflavone and MSM is further supported by the inclusion of zinc, vitamin C and Vitamin K in FlexeoPlus. In addition, oils rich in essential fatty acids have also been linked to proper joint health.
As usual, we recommend a well-rounded approach to health. Pair FlexeoPlus with these great tips. Health/Fitness specialists advise frequent strength-training sessions, 3 to 4 times per week, which help to promote bone growth. Weight-bearing exercises apply tension to bones through muscle movement, stimulating bone regeneration. Inactivity is often linked with poor bone health, so even getting up out of your seat using only your legs, without the assistance of your arms, can help make a positive difference (refer to Life Line V.3, 2008, “Let's Get Physical” for additional exercise). Take this approach a few giant steps further by eliminating negative lifestyle habits. Smoking is extremely harmful in many ways, but in term of bone-density detriment, it depletes the body of vitamin C and decreases blood levels of estrogen. Alcohol impedes the absorption and increases the excretion of calcium, magnesium, Vitamin C, zinc and copper and inhibits the proper functioning of Vitamin B6.
FlexeoPlus is designed to be taken every day. It is important to note that any positive effects of the components in FlexeoPlus have been shown to only last roughly as long as they are taken. Over time, everyday wear and tear, nutrient deficient diets, sports activity, and aging can result in weakened and injured cartilage, ligament and tendons. We see that continued supplementation to maintain healthy joins is an important part of staying active and being able to walk, jog, jump and sprint down our paths of wellness.
More articles written by an herbalist about the FlexeoPlus- joints
Testimonial I found on the Teamcrown testimonial.doc site
18--Avoided Knee Replacement and Chronic Pain
For me, evaluating nutritional supplementation has been easy. Why? Because my body is extremely sensitive to everything. Like anyone else who has severe chronic pain, when you find something that works, you know it. I have lived with severe knee pain 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 32 years.
In May of 1966, I completed my active military duty and was reassigned to reserve status with my Squadron, at Alameda Naval Air Base, in California. I was excited about the transfer because I was picked to start training for my wings as an Air Crewman. Immediately, after completing my first phase of training, I was injured in a civilian job. A four-ton hoist smashed me vertically into a steel bin, ending my military duty and an eleven year career as an athlete.
As a result of this injury, I was unable to walk without a cane or crutches for 6½ years. It took four major surgeries and significant amounts of prescription drugs for 1½ years to deal with the pain and swelling. The final solution, the medical profession had to offer for my knee instability, was total knee fusion.
At this time I was a pre-medicine student on a university transfer program to Stanford University. I wanted to be a plastic surgeon. Upon the final recommendation of knee fusion, I quit pre-medicine and no longer wanted to be an MD. I became disgusted with the idea of another surgery, more drugs and a stiff leg the rest of my life. I started to look for alternative ways to heal myself.
Fifteen years ago, orthopedic surgeons wanted to perform a total knee replacement. However, through decompression hydrotherapy rehabilitation exercise, in a swimming pool, 1 was able to maintain stability.
As I got older, with no cartilage and bone rubbing on bone, my knee has become more degenerative from friction. As time went by, it became more difficult to walk and I lost the ability to bend my knee. As this degenerative process continued, the pain level increased to the point that it was almost impossible to find a comfortable position. After a consultation in May, 1997, with Dr. Robert Klapper, Orthopedic Surgeon at Cedar Sinai, I observed 2 total knee replacements he performed and decided to have my knee replaced the day after Thanksgiving.
However, in September, an actor was injured on a Disney movie, in British Columbia, and I was brought in to help get him through the movie. What was supposed to be a three day stay, ended up to be 2½ months. The terrain was irregular, wet and cold, causing me a daily increase in pain. Many nights I could hardly walk. The only way I could sleep was to pack my knee in ice.
When I returned from Canada, I found out about OsteoProCare. I had been looking for a highly absorbable form of calcium. I was taking a chewable calcium and a Chondroitin Glucosamine supplement already, but it often created a bloating feeling and I felt I was not absorbing it.
After taking OsteoProCare for a few days, I started to feel much better. After a few weeks, I had less knee pain and better range of motion. OsteoProCare definitely made a significant difference for me. I could finally sleep without the nightly throbbing and pounding in my knee. The most interesting response was from my patients, many of whom knew of my problem because I walked with a severe limp. However, they began to notice that I was no longer walking with a limp. They wanted to know what I was doing to help myself. The answer, OsteoProCare. I take two tablespoons twice a day and find my body responds incredibly well. I have started to workout again and feel significantly better. I no longer plan to have knee surgery.
1 wish I had been able to use a product like OsteoProCare with Glucosamine Hydrochloride and Chondroitin Sulfate back in the 80’s. OsteoProCare with Glucosamine Hydrochloride and Chondroitin Sulfate can significantly decrease the recovery time of someone who is suffering from a knee injury, or any condition that results in deteriorated connective tissue or degenerative arthritis.
I've had extremely good results recommending OsteoProCare to my patients, particularly those with degenerative joint disease. Many of my arthritic patients believe it has turned back the time clock and they feel more mobile and younger.
Dr. Leroy Perry, Co-Chairman
Life Force Medical Advisory Board
Places to look for additional testimonials
The following are key points to consider about Bone health.
Here's the key . The bones are made up of dozens of minerals and the article's main concern was focusing on calcium only. Life Force's OsteoProCare doesn't do that. There are several other minerals including 46 trace minerals present in their formula. Not to mention the array of Minerals you get with the Body Balance, so this concern doesn't apply to those of us using the Body Balance and OsteoCare products from Life Force. In fact you cannot utilize calcium without the trace minerals - a problem for most of the population because they do not get trace minerals in any of the foods they typically eat. I liked the emphasis in the article on the other things we need for strong bones such as:
- Salt - especailly a good sea salt with the minerals because salt AND water are vital for making the sturcture of the bones firm.
- Progesterone helps the calcium get into the bones
- Vit. D3
- Omega 3 - enhances bone mineral content. In fact without good fats, we cannot utilize our minerals in our foods.
- K2 as long as is eaten with a fat
- Protein which gives our bones strength
- Proper Ph so that the body doesn't rob the minerals especially calcium from our bones to balance the acidic ph.
- Exercise - which puts pressure on the bones when we increase muscle strength (weight training) This pressure causes the bones to rebuild.
- The worst thing we can do is take something like fosomax which poisons the Bone breakdown cells that we need to rebuild stronger bones. Without this we get thicker bones, but more brittle ones.
Here are some experts taken from a Health Journal by Steven Horne Called "Nature's Field":
Bones are the body's mineral storehouse and minerals are the "dust of the earth" from which our body is made. Bones absorb minerals when they are available in the diet and release them as they are needed by other tissues. * You can't make bone with calcium alone. You need the right forms of calcium (whole plant form or Calcium Orotate if supplementing) fats, proteins and vitamins to assimilate it and the other minerals. In fact, it is these other minerals that give bones their strength, flexibility and durability. * General lack of good nutrition, expecially trace minerals is why peoplle have so many probelms with their bones, not just from a lack of proper calcium. * Tooth decay is one of the primary signs of malnutrition, especially a diet poor in trace minerals and an acidic diet. (if you are interested in Acid/Alkaline eating charts, I can send you one) * Eating a diet that is more alkalyzing and free of excess sugars helps increase bone density, because both will cause minerals to be pulled out of the bones.
Calcium Orotate Video
Here's a video that did a good job explaining the different types of Calcium. This guy is a third party resource, not associated with LifeForce. He is also a naturopath and nutritionist among other things.
Remember LF is a calcium orotate, which he is referring to, but LF calcium isn’t only a calcium orotate, but a blend of minerals, glucosamine, Chondroiton, Vit. D3, Trace minerals and l carnatine etc.. There is absolutely nothing that beats LF Calcium in absorbability and content. Another point to remember is that we cannot effectively utilize all our Calcium without the proper Trace Minerals which none of us get in our diets due to soil depletion of minerals in the foods that we eat. Body Balance being made from the Sea Vegetables are full of all the trace and rare trace minerals essential to optimal body functioning. We have another Calcium available if a person needs a vegetarian source since the Glucosamine in this one is derived from shellfish.
The following article is posted on Dr. Toni Tirri's website and is his explanation of why OsteoProCare works so well
OsteoProcare and OsteoOmegacare is a highly advanced form of Calcium Orotate that has been combined with Magnesium. This combination efficiently delivers the maximum levels of calcium to help promote optimum bone and cellular heatlh.
What is An Orotate?
Orotates are the mineral salts of a natural substance called orotic acid. It is found in your body and also in dairy products. It is believed that minerals and vitamins in orotate form act as superior transporters throughout the body. When a mineral is in an orotate form, it can pass through cell membranes easily without breaking apart so it can get to where it is needed most - joints, tissues, and cartilage.
How about Calcium Orotate? How does it differ from regular Calcium?
98% of the calcium in your body is found in your bones. In fact, calcium is the most abundant mineral in your body. If your bones loose more calcium than they take in, you can loose bone mass and weaken your bone structure. Calcium orotate (because of its unique molecular structure) possesses the ability to penetrate bones, cartilage, and other tissue more effectively than regular calcium to help promote the re-calcification of your skeleton. This is a key point. You take calcium for one reason, receive it where it's needed to support optimal bone health. Most traditional forms of calcium ( an estimated 70 to 80% ) are flushed out of your system before they can be absorbed! Calcium Orotate is different because it's highly absorbable!
What Does Magnesium do for the Skeleton?
Many people are experiencing magnesium deficiencies. Why? Because of diets high in processed or fast foods! Magnesium promotes the proper absorption of calcium by your bones. Magnesium is also vitally important for a healhty cardiovascular system, for improved blood pressure, and for promoting a relaxed mood. Specifically, magnesium acts as a "transporter" to help push calcium more efficiently through your cells so it can reach areas (bones, brain, cardiovascular system) where it's vitally needed.
About Dr. Hans Nieper
Dr. Hans Nieper's theoretical explanation (of the mechanisms behind his stunning success in the clinical application of sophisticated mineral transporters) rely heavily on the concept of the fixed pore mechanism of active transport. The theory called "fixed pore mechanism" suggests a carrier molecule, in this case Orotic Acid (B-13), is attached to the compound being transported. This research has inspired the creation of mineral chelates called orotic acid chelates ( or orotates) which offer a 20-fold increase in mineral utilization. Nieper promoted orotates for nearly every ailment imaginable and was consequently ignored. Most of his medical claims were never rigorously tested. However, in certain applications (such as athletic performance) where his ideas underwent peer-reviewed, scientific scrutiny, they have been found to work! Nieper was on the right track after all.
Calcium and Magnesium was used by Nieper. The long-term clinical tolerance and overall value of calcium orotate is far superior to other therapeutic calcium substances and to the so-called immune depressors. Orotates are mineral salts of orotic acid which is used by plants and animals to make DNA and RNA. Prior to 1980, Hans Nieper, a physician and experimenter in offbeat theories of gravitation, used orotates in clinical applications. He believed orotate salts, being neutrally charged, pass easily through cell membranes. In effect, orotate ferries the mineral atoms into cells and tissues, thus producing higher concentrations.
This article was given to me by a nurse
OsteoProCare vs Fosamax
Fosamax is America's leading drug for Osteoperosis with sales of over $704 million last year. Is it safe? Common side effects include heartburn, nausea, abdominal pain, and ulcers “in some people”. In fact 12% of the women who take Fosamax require medical treatment for these disturbances, and 14% of those women have to be hospitalized! According to James Balch, M.D.
“What get me hopping made is that all the claims about how it increases bone density are misleading. You see, even though Fosamax makes your bones denser, it actually makes them more brittle! Here's Why:
Your Bones contain special cells called osteoclasts and osteoblasts. The osteoclasts break down old bone, and the osteoblasts build new bone. Fosamax works by poisoning your bone-remodeling osteoclasts that break down old bone. Then since the old bone is never broken down, bones do get thicker – but also weaker and more brittle. But it does nothing to build new bone. So even though your bones become denser, that density is made up of older, weaker bone cells.”
The good news is that you don't have to take Fosamax. That's because there are safe, natural ways to re-build your nones. That's calcium.
When God engineered the human body, He chose calcium to be the #1 mineral in the body and also the hardest one to assimilate. Remember this: all calcium is not the same. Some is ground up rocks and your body is not able to metabolize it and when any is not absorbed into the body, it must either be excreted or stored. When it is excreted, it is done so through the kidneys which uses calcium in the process. Because of this, you may be actually losing more calcium than if you weren't taking the supplement. If you store it, it can become a stone and manifest in any one of several places that people have stones – kidney, gall bladder, or even joint tissues.
Calcium is sometimes detrimental (made from limestone or coral – it is white chalk). Calcium Orotate is absorbable (Made from oyster shell). Only Calcium Orotate penetrates directly through the membrane, delivering calcium to the interior of the cell where it is utilized. Calcium Orotate is made by chelating Calcium Carbonate with Vitamin B13 (also called Orotic Acid). One of the functions of Orotic Acid is to metabolize folic acid and and Vitamin B12, which helps to prevent premature aging and weight loss. Calcium works by encouraging the fat cells to burn extra fat. When your calcium levels are low, there is a gene in your body that gets turned on, causing your body to store more fat, but when your calcium levels are high, the gene is turned off. (Dr. Michael Zemel of the University of Tennessee) All calcium is not the same and just because you are taking calcium doesn't mean that it's getting to the cellular level.
This article is concerning the joint product we have called FlexeoPlus
Summary done by a nurse
- Supports healthy joints & bones - Glucosamine lubricates joints and helps regenerate cartilage, ligaments and tendons.
- MSM – naturally occuring organic surfur which repairs and forms connective tissues, builds proteins and strengthens cell membranes & the connective tissues that hold them together. – inhibits pain impulses along nerve fibers - reduces inflammation and muscle spasm – It also makes the cells more permeable so that the blood and nutrients can penetrate hardened tissue or cartilage growth areas where blood vessels surround and penetrate from without. Lack of MSM can inhibit tissue regrowth and strength.
- Our bodies do not make it and it come from certain foods (if you are eating right), but even if we are eating right sulfur has also declined with poor farming practices. Also as we grow older we make less of it in our own bodies.
- - improves wound healing – Can break up scar tissue and reduce calcium deposits.
- MSM is essential for optimal liver functioning.
- Ipriflavone – activate bone building cells promoting bone density – inhibits bone breakdown
- Co-factors: Zinc, Vit C , K1 – increases the effectiveness of other ingredients. Vit K (gets your calcium from your blood to your bones & prevents calcium from sticking to the arteries) and is found in Body Balance & FlexeoPlus, but also in leafy greens. In the winter time, it is best to slightly steam them and salt them.
- Can take daily 4 droppers 3 X day in any liquid or topically to knees or shoulders
FlexeoPlus is a liquid health supplement that supports healthy bones and joints. The three power components of FlexeoPlus -- MSM, glucosamine and ipriflavone – work together to support an active lifestyle by reducing calcium loss from bones, strengthening and lubricating joints, promoting cartilage and connective tissue repair , and promoting joint flexibility. Every bodily movement would be much more difficult without the shock-absorption of cartilage. Join us as we uncover some of the magic of these ingredients.
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is commonly used to support joint function, which can be diminished by uncharacteristic wearing of the cartilage that covers and cushions joints or by diminished synovial fluid, which lubricates joints. We can easily see a connection between supplementing with MSM and lubricating our car doors with WD-40.
A double-blind, placebo-controlled study suggested that 1,500 mg. Per day of MSM was helpful in supporting knee function. Participants who took MSM had improved physical functioning; without major adverse events (Usha and Naidu 2004). MSM has been shown to support an active lifestyle by helping to protect the cartilage, allowing individuals to continue executing weight-bearing activities, including walking and standing.
Glucosamine is a naturally occurring nutrient often derived from shellfish, containing glucose (a sugar) and an “amine” (Glutamine; an amino acid). It is not present in significant amounts in most diets, justifying the importance of supplementation. Glucosamine is a significant component of cartilage, acting as an important building block required by the body to create molecules called glycosaminoglycans.
Glucosamine is quickly becoming one of the most popular supplements today due to is ability to lubricate joints and help regenerate cartilage, ligaments and tendons. Researchers believe that glucosamine beneficially affects the imbalance between rates of synthesis and degradation of the cartilage proteooglycans, pushing the balance more toward synthesis Supporting connective tissue serves to maintain healthy and flexible joints by providing proper cushioning and defense against strains caused by physical training, frequent exercising and the natural effects of aging. Recommendations of 500 mg, three times per day, have consistently delivered the best results.
Ipriflavone is considered the bone builder of FlexeoPlus' ingredients—it actually retards osteoclasts (bone-eroding cells), allowing for osteoblasts (bone-building cells) to operate more efficiently. It has also shown to increase bone calcium retention, and has even demonstrated the ability to maintain bone density at the spine. While Ipriflavone does occur naturally in food, it is only in trace amounts, again calling out the importance of supplementation.
Between 1989 and 2000, at least 31 human clinical studies on ipriflavone were reported. These studies involved a total of 4,298 patients, and 1,495 of these patients were treated with ipriflavone. Eighteen of these studies focused on bone mineral density and were controlled by placebos. Of these 18, approximately ½ showed ipriflavone to either augment bone density or at least reduce bone loss significantly more than calcium alone (osteoporosis Education Project Analysis). Research supports that segmented does from between 250 and 1,250 mg. of ipriflavone per day promote optimal results.
The synergistic effect of glucosamine, ipriflavone and MSM is further supported by the inclusion of zinc, vitamin C and Vitamin K in FlexeoPlus. In addition, oils rich in essential fatty acids have also been linked to proper joint health.
As usual, we recommend a well-rounded approach to health. Pair FlexeoPlus with these great tips. Health/Fitness specialists advise frequent strength-training sessions, 3 to 4 times per week, which help to promote bone growth. Weight-bearing exercises apply tension to bones through muscle movement, stimulating bone regeneration. Inactivity is often linked with poor bone health, so even getting up out of your seat using only your legs, without the assistance of your arms, can help make a positive difference (refer to Life Line V.3, 2008, “Let's Get Physical” for additional exercise). Take this approach a few giant steps further by eliminating negative lifestyle habits. Smoking is extremely harmful in many ways, but in term of bone-density detriment, it depletes the body of vitamin C and decreases blood levels of estrogen. Alcohol impedes the absorption and increases the excretion of calcium, magnesium, Vitamin C, zinc and copper and inhibits the proper functioning of Vitamin B6.
FlexeoPlus is designed to be taken every day. It is important to note that any positive effects of the components in FlexeoPlus have been shown to only last roughly as long as they are taken. Over time, everyday wear and tear, nutrient deficient diets, sports activity, and aging can result in weakened and injured cartilage, ligament and tendons. We see that continued supplementation to maintain healthy joins is an important part of staying active and being able to walk, jog, jump and sprint down our paths of wellness.
More articles written by an herbalist about the FlexeoPlus- joints
Testimonial I found on the Teamcrown testimonial.doc site
18--Avoided Knee Replacement and Chronic Pain
For me, evaluating nutritional supplementation has been easy. Why? Because my body is extremely sensitive to everything. Like anyone else who has severe chronic pain, when you find something that works, you know it. I have lived with severe knee pain 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 32 years.
In May of 1966, I completed my active military duty and was reassigned to reserve status with my Squadron, at Alameda Naval Air Base, in California. I was excited about the transfer because I was picked to start training for my wings as an Air Crewman. Immediately, after completing my first phase of training, I was injured in a civilian job. A four-ton hoist smashed me vertically into a steel bin, ending my military duty and an eleven year career as an athlete.
As a result of this injury, I was unable to walk without a cane or crutches for 6½ years. It took four major surgeries and significant amounts of prescription drugs for 1½ years to deal with the pain and swelling. The final solution, the medical profession had to offer for my knee instability, was total knee fusion.
At this time I was a pre-medicine student on a university transfer program to Stanford University. I wanted to be a plastic surgeon. Upon the final recommendation of knee fusion, I quit pre-medicine and no longer wanted to be an MD. I became disgusted with the idea of another surgery, more drugs and a stiff leg the rest of my life. I started to look for alternative ways to heal myself.
Fifteen years ago, orthopedic surgeons wanted to perform a total knee replacement. However, through decompression hydrotherapy rehabilitation exercise, in a swimming pool, 1 was able to maintain stability.
As I got older, with no cartilage and bone rubbing on bone, my knee has become more degenerative from friction. As time went by, it became more difficult to walk and I lost the ability to bend my knee. As this degenerative process continued, the pain level increased to the point that it was almost impossible to find a comfortable position. After a consultation in May, 1997, with Dr. Robert Klapper, Orthopedic Surgeon at Cedar Sinai, I observed 2 total knee replacements he performed and decided to have my knee replaced the day after Thanksgiving.
However, in September, an actor was injured on a Disney movie, in British Columbia, and I was brought in to help get him through the movie. What was supposed to be a three day stay, ended up to be 2½ months. The terrain was irregular, wet and cold, causing me a daily increase in pain. Many nights I could hardly walk. The only way I could sleep was to pack my knee in ice.
When I returned from Canada, I found out about OsteoProCare. I had been looking for a highly absorbable form of calcium. I was taking a chewable calcium and a Chondroitin Glucosamine supplement already, but it often created a bloating feeling and I felt I was not absorbing it.
After taking OsteoProCare for a few days, I started to feel much better. After a few weeks, I had less knee pain and better range of motion. OsteoProCare definitely made a significant difference for me. I could finally sleep without the nightly throbbing and pounding in my knee. The most interesting response was from my patients, many of whom knew of my problem because I walked with a severe limp. However, they began to notice that I was no longer walking with a limp. They wanted to know what I was doing to help myself. The answer, OsteoProCare. I take two tablespoons twice a day and find my body responds incredibly well. I have started to workout again and feel significantly better. I no longer plan to have knee surgery.
1 wish I had been able to use a product like OsteoProCare with Glucosamine Hydrochloride and Chondroitin Sulfate back in the 80’s. OsteoProCare with Glucosamine Hydrochloride and Chondroitin Sulfate can significantly decrease the recovery time of someone who is suffering from a knee injury, or any condition that results in deteriorated connective tissue or degenerative arthritis.
I've had extremely good results recommending OsteoProCare to my patients, particularly those with degenerative joint disease. Many of my arthritic patients believe it has turned back the time clock and they feel more mobile and younger.
Dr. Leroy Perry, Co-Chairman
Life Force Medical Advisory Board
Places to look for additional testimonials
- You may find some testimonials of people as you search key words on this site to see how others have been helped. My friend, Marge Streza is on this site. www.liquidstories.com
- Another site with testimonials is Holly Wheeler's site (she is one of the nation's best nutritional coaches) www.hollysdream.com specifically here: http://hollysdream.com/testimonials/ Be sure to click at the top for more people Holly has specifically coached.
- http://www.lifeforcevault.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=section&id=1&Itemid=2
- http://www.teamcrown.net/library/health-info You can download testimonials.doc at the bottom of the page.
- www.mylifeforce.net/liveit This is the Company site that is linked to me to read what LifeForce says about their product.