BElean - Metabolism Booster
The Superstar of Life Force International’s BeNew Weight Loss System is the metabolism booster BElean. Unlike anything found in the market today, this convenient on-the-go stick-pack of powder is mixed in your choice of liquid twice each day. BElean uses the science of thermogenics, increasing metabolism and energy, turning up your body’s own weight loss furnace. Many of these ingredients have become well known through Dr. Oz’s weight loss features, but even more impressive are the double-blind clinical studies backing them. Unfortunately, as some of these ingredients have become popular many of them are becoming available in products of lower quality. It is important to note that Life Force International has used only the highest quality ingredients, made in the US, and all these amazing components are present in clinical levels, meaning that they are the same levels that these studies have shown to be the most effective. The key ingredients in BElean are: Green Coffee Bean Extract, Meratrim©, Raspberry Powder and Raspberry Ketones, African Mango Extract, Green Tea Leaves, White Kidney Bean Extract, Fucoxanthin and Cassis Berry. These remarkably potent ingredients could easily stand alone to deliver effective results, but BElean has taken it to a whole new level. Never before have they been brought together to synergistically deliver a powerful knockout blow to your body’s fat cells. BElean is a combination unlike anything found in the market today! The following examination of the key points to each of these ingredients will reveal why the results people are experiencing so quickly are so very impressive.
Green Coffee Bean Extract became popular for weight loss after it was mentioned on popular tv shows last year. It was referred to it as “The green coffee bean that burns fat fast.” Green coffee beans are coffee beans that have not been roasted, which preserves the ingredient in the beans that is most responsible for the health benefits, chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic acid in green coffee has been shown to have health benefits for heart disease, diabetes, weight loss, cholesterol reduction, high blood pressure and improved glucose tolerance.
For weight loss, chlorogenic acid affects how the body handles blood sugar and metabolism. Chlorogenic acid inhibits the release of glucose into the blood stream. The cycle is that when glucose enters the bloodstream after consuming food or beverage, the liver releases insulin. The insulin stores the excess glucose as fat. By slowing down the absorption of glucose in the bloodstream, the chlorogenic acid reduces the absorption of fat, and it is also shown to cause the liver to metabolize the fat faster. This has huge, positive implications for people with blood sugar issues and diabetes concerns, which has become epidemic in our society. The green coffee bean extract neutralizes an enzyme that facilitates post-meal glucose surges, which is essential to blood sugar control. Life Force uses the most potent Green Coffee Bean Extract, containing 50% chlorogenic acid, which is the amount used in the many studies showing these benefits.
Meratrim©, a propriety and patented formula, is a cutting edge plant extract blend for weight management and has fat burning qualities derived from two plants: Sphearanthus Indicus, a flower, and Garcinia Mangostana, a fruit rind. Both of these plants have been used medicinally by Asian cultures for many hundreds of years. Each of these plants contributes an essential part to Meratrim’s© ability to affect fat cell formation and breakdown. Together they have the ability to both halt fat storage and enhance fat breakdown and subsequent release of excess fat. Meratrim© is an all-natural, caffeine free, non-stimulant metabolism booster combo, backed by solid research.
What is most exciting is that these ingredient targets visceral fat. While visceral fat usually shows up as belly fat, it can also be found dangerously surrounding the organs in the body, in some cases, even making them smaller. Visceral fat is different from other fat cells in that it is chemically active, and releases inflammatory organisms, which can contribute to a host of degenerative disease and health challenges. This formula can help us get rid of not only the fat we can see, but the unhealthy fat we can’t see. And it works quickly, in double-blind studies Meratrim© showed a decrease in weight, BMI and hip and waist size in a two week period, showing that this ingredient delivers results quickly. This explains why so many users have had such quick and encouraging results, really important when sticking to a new program.
Raspberry Powder and Raspberry Ketones is another potent ingredient that also targets the visceral fat. Raspberry Ketones are a natural compound that grows mainly in the Amazon forests. These have also become popular since being featured on the popular tv show, where it was stated “A revolutionary solution to boost metabolism and help you burn fat.” The Raspberry Ketone helps cut the fat in our cells so that it is expelled more quickly and burned more easily.” Raspberry Ketone can increase metabolism by increasing body heat and the body’s ability to burn fat. Like Meratrim©, this may be due to its clinically studied ability to significantly increase the expression and secretion of the fat burning hormone, Adiponectin. This is important because Adiponectin is a protein that modulates a number of metabolic processes, including glucose regulation and fatty acid breakdown. Research shows that its levels are less with a higher body fat percentage. Adiponectin influences the body’s response to insulin and also has anti-inflammatory effects on the cells lining the walls of blood vessels. In short, MORE Adiponectin = LESS fat in the body.
African Mango Extract comes from a tree native to West Africa. Having been used as a staple in that culture, it was originally studied for its benefit in reducing cholesterol. What they found it not only lowered cholesterol, but in every study the group given the supplement had significant weight loss results. So how does the African Mango Extract help you lose weight? Simply stated, it acts as a fat burner. Studies have shown that it targets the stubborn fat by accelerating the metabolism naturally and helping the body burn stored fat. This is the result of a protein that works directly on the fat deposits in the body, creating a speedy “flushing out” process. It also suppresses your appetite through regulating Leptin. Leptin has been identified as a major hormone contributing to obesity. It is the hormone that tells your body it has had enough to eat. Lower Leptin levels cause your body to get more cravings, which leads to overeating. This makes it very difficult to shed pounds. But when your leptin levels are raised and regulated, you do not feel the cravings to eat as much. African Mango acts as a Leptin regulator, helping your body to feel full. This is a major benefit because you feel full, so you eat less. It helps to delay the process of gastric emptying helping you to stay full for longer. When combined with the effects of leptin, this can aid weight loss significantly. African Mango Extract is also a very high source of soluble fiber which helps to suppress your appetite, and helps remove waste from the body.
Green Tea Extract brings to the formulation the potent polyphenols that increase our metabolic energy in a healthy way that make it more efficient. As we age, or go through menopause, our metabolism can slow down. Green Tea Extract also boosts resting metabolic rate, burning additional calories in the process. It is also full of powerful antioxidants, improving energy and mental focus. In traditional Chinese and Indian medicine, practitioners used green tea as a stimulant, a diuretic (to help rid the body of excess fluid), an astringent (to control bleeding and help heal wounds), and to improve heart health. Other traditional uses of green tea include treating gas, regulating body temperature and blood sugar, promoting digestion, and improving mental processes. More recent studies have found green tea to be helpful in certain cancers, rheumatoid arthritis, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, infection, and impaired immune function.
Fucoxanthin is an important carotenoid derived from Brown Sea Vegetables. It is also abundant in Body Balance! Research has found that Fucoxanthin prevents fat absorption and helps burn stored fat. It goes after the hardest fats to burn off, specifically belly fat. This ingredient raises your body’s metabolic rate—the speed at which you burn calories—through a thermogenic effect. Essentially, it is generating heat within the body, which causes the body to burn off fat already stored in various areas as a source of energy. Canadian scientists have reported that a decrease in energy expenditure with aging may cause 120–190 excess calories to be stored in the body every day, which translates to an extra 13–20 pounds of body fat a year! To achieve optimal results as we age, we must restore the ability of our cells to maintain a youthful metabolic rate. Unlike many "fat burners" that stimulate the central nervous system to promote weight loss, Fucoxanthin works directly in fat cells. By targeting energy distribution at the mitochondrial level, this non-stimulatory action provides aging humans with an important new mechanism of action to achieve successful long-term weight management. Fucoxanthin provides a unique solution for safely boosting cellular metabolism. It is also a multi-talented healer with the ability to promote lower blood pressure, reduce unhealthy cholesterol, balance metabolism, and even stabilize blood sugar levels.
White Kidney Bean Extract has been long known to be a highly nutritious source of fiber and minerals. It is now shown to interfere with the absorption of complex carbohydrates (pasta, breads, potatoes, etc.); and as a starch blocker, the white kidney bean is said to be very helpful in weight loss programs. White Kidney Bean is a wonderful source of water-soluble and insoluble fiber that is very helpful for many bowel complaints and helps to prevent constipation. Regarding weight loss, recent scientific studies have produced interesting results with respect to the use of White Kidney Bean acting as a starch blocker. Alpha-amylase is an enzyme that plays a key role in the digestion of foods and is essential for the metabolizing of starchy carbohydrates. Normally, when you eat carbs; your body digests it as sugar, which goes straight into your bloodstream and gets deposited as fat. However, White Kidney Bean Extract has been shown to prevent the stomach from breaking carbs down into simple sugars — so their calories aren't absorbed into your body. Dr. Oz called it one of his favorite fat busters. White Kidney Bean Extract is safe, effective and works to block carbs from being absorbed into your body.
Cassis Berries from New Zealand are a wonderful addition for health and flavor. They are a powerful super fruit, rich in needed nutrients. They have Vitamin C potency four times that of oranges. Rich in anthocyanins, they also have twice the antioxidant power of blueberries. The nutrient dense pulp is rich in nutrients ranging from B vitamins, vitamin C, and essential minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, and zinc. It also has substantial amounts of fiber, amino acids, and essential fatty acids called gamma-linoleic acid. Just 100 g of the cassis berry offers 300% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C in our diets. Research is available as the berry is already consumed in Europe and Asia. Here are just a few examples of some of the health benefits the berry has shown:
Tips for taking BElean:
The powder is to be taken twice a day, mixed in a liquid of your choice. Studies on the individual ingredients suggest 30 minutes before a meal are most effective. - Now available in Capsule form as well.
This product contains 65 mg of caffeine, about half of a cup of coffee. If sensitive, start with one a day, or half at a time. You may want to take earlier in the day, breakfast and lunch. It also may be helpful to dilute with more water. Can also be mixed with your BEfull smoothie, but again, most of ingredients are recommended to take 30 minutes before.
The ingredients are natural and come from food, so studies show no side effects, but if health challenged or concerned, take the Product Data Sheet PDF to your doctor.
BElean contains clinical levels of all ingredients.
Adding up the individual prices of a month supply of these various high quality ingredients would cost over $250:
Green Coffee $40, Meratrim© plant extracts $42, Raspberry Ketones $64, African Mango $37, Green Tea Extract $29, Fucoxanthin $35, White Kidney Bean Extract $20
Not only is BElean is an unmatched value, it is a product that can help us reach our goals and sustain healthy weight loss, energy, and metabolism.
The Superstar of Life Force International’s BeNew Weight Loss System is the metabolism booster BElean. Unlike anything found in the market today, this convenient on-the-go stick-pack of powder is mixed in your choice of liquid twice each day. BElean uses the science of thermogenics, increasing metabolism and energy, turning up your body’s own weight loss furnace. Many of these ingredients have become well known through Dr. Oz’s weight loss features, but even more impressive are the double-blind clinical studies backing them. Unfortunately, as some of these ingredients have become popular many of them are becoming available in products of lower quality. It is important to note that Life Force International has used only the highest quality ingredients, made in the US, and all these amazing components are present in clinical levels, meaning that they are the same levels that these studies have shown to be the most effective. The key ingredients in BElean are: Green Coffee Bean Extract, Meratrim©, Raspberry Powder and Raspberry Ketones, African Mango Extract, Green Tea Leaves, White Kidney Bean Extract, Fucoxanthin and Cassis Berry. These remarkably potent ingredients could easily stand alone to deliver effective results, but BElean has taken it to a whole new level. Never before have they been brought together to synergistically deliver a powerful knockout blow to your body’s fat cells. BElean is a combination unlike anything found in the market today! The following examination of the key points to each of these ingredients will reveal why the results people are experiencing so quickly are so very impressive.
Green Coffee Bean Extract became popular for weight loss after it was mentioned on popular tv shows last year. It was referred to it as “The green coffee bean that burns fat fast.” Green coffee beans are coffee beans that have not been roasted, which preserves the ingredient in the beans that is most responsible for the health benefits, chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic acid in green coffee has been shown to have health benefits for heart disease, diabetes, weight loss, cholesterol reduction, high blood pressure and improved glucose tolerance.
For weight loss, chlorogenic acid affects how the body handles blood sugar and metabolism. Chlorogenic acid inhibits the release of glucose into the blood stream. The cycle is that when glucose enters the bloodstream after consuming food or beverage, the liver releases insulin. The insulin stores the excess glucose as fat. By slowing down the absorption of glucose in the bloodstream, the chlorogenic acid reduces the absorption of fat, and it is also shown to cause the liver to metabolize the fat faster. This has huge, positive implications for people with blood sugar issues and diabetes concerns, which has become epidemic in our society. The green coffee bean extract neutralizes an enzyme that facilitates post-meal glucose surges, which is essential to blood sugar control. Life Force uses the most potent Green Coffee Bean Extract, containing 50% chlorogenic acid, which is the amount used in the many studies showing these benefits.
Meratrim©, a propriety and patented formula, is a cutting edge plant extract blend for weight management and has fat burning qualities derived from two plants: Sphearanthus Indicus, a flower, and Garcinia Mangostana, a fruit rind. Both of these plants have been used medicinally by Asian cultures for many hundreds of years. Each of these plants contributes an essential part to Meratrim’s© ability to affect fat cell formation and breakdown. Together they have the ability to both halt fat storage and enhance fat breakdown and subsequent release of excess fat. Meratrim© is an all-natural, caffeine free, non-stimulant metabolism booster combo, backed by solid research.
What is most exciting is that these ingredient targets visceral fat. While visceral fat usually shows up as belly fat, it can also be found dangerously surrounding the organs in the body, in some cases, even making them smaller. Visceral fat is different from other fat cells in that it is chemically active, and releases inflammatory organisms, which can contribute to a host of degenerative disease and health challenges. This formula can help us get rid of not only the fat we can see, but the unhealthy fat we can’t see. And it works quickly, in double-blind studies Meratrim© showed a decrease in weight, BMI and hip and waist size in a two week period, showing that this ingredient delivers results quickly. This explains why so many users have had such quick and encouraging results, really important when sticking to a new program.
Raspberry Powder and Raspberry Ketones is another potent ingredient that also targets the visceral fat. Raspberry Ketones are a natural compound that grows mainly in the Amazon forests. These have also become popular since being featured on the popular tv show, where it was stated “A revolutionary solution to boost metabolism and help you burn fat.” The Raspberry Ketone helps cut the fat in our cells so that it is expelled more quickly and burned more easily.” Raspberry Ketone can increase metabolism by increasing body heat and the body’s ability to burn fat. Like Meratrim©, this may be due to its clinically studied ability to significantly increase the expression and secretion of the fat burning hormone, Adiponectin. This is important because Adiponectin is a protein that modulates a number of metabolic processes, including glucose regulation and fatty acid breakdown. Research shows that its levels are less with a higher body fat percentage. Adiponectin influences the body’s response to insulin and also has anti-inflammatory effects on the cells lining the walls of blood vessels. In short, MORE Adiponectin = LESS fat in the body.
African Mango Extract comes from a tree native to West Africa. Having been used as a staple in that culture, it was originally studied for its benefit in reducing cholesterol. What they found it not only lowered cholesterol, but in every study the group given the supplement had significant weight loss results. So how does the African Mango Extract help you lose weight? Simply stated, it acts as a fat burner. Studies have shown that it targets the stubborn fat by accelerating the metabolism naturally and helping the body burn stored fat. This is the result of a protein that works directly on the fat deposits in the body, creating a speedy “flushing out” process. It also suppresses your appetite through regulating Leptin. Leptin has been identified as a major hormone contributing to obesity. It is the hormone that tells your body it has had enough to eat. Lower Leptin levels cause your body to get more cravings, which leads to overeating. This makes it very difficult to shed pounds. But when your leptin levels are raised and regulated, you do not feel the cravings to eat as much. African Mango acts as a Leptin regulator, helping your body to feel full. This is a major benefit because you feel full, so you eat less. It helps to delay the process of gastric emptying helping you to stay full for longer. When combined with the effects of leptin, this can aid weight loss significantly. African Mango Extract is also a very high source of soluble fiber which helps to suppress your appetite, and helps remove waste from the body.
Green Tea Extract brings to the formulation the potent polyphenols that increase our metabolic energy in a healthy way that make it more efficient. As we age, or go through menopause, our metabolism can slow down. Green Tea Extract also boosts resting metabolic rate, burning additional calories in the process. It is also full of powerful antioxidants, improving energy and mental focus. In traditional Chinese and Indian medicine, practitioners used green tea as a stimulant, a diuretic (to help rid the body of excess fluid), an astringent (to control bleeding and help heal wounds), and to improve heart health. Other traditional uses of green tea include treating gas, regulating body temperature and blood sugar, promoting digestion, and improving mental processes. More recent studies have found green tea to be helpful in certain cancers, rheumatoid arthritis, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, infection, and impaired immune function.
Fucoxanthin is an important carotenoid derived from Brown Sea Vegetables. It is also abundant in Body Balance! Research has found that Fucoxanthin prevents fat absorption and helps burn stored fat. It goes after the hardest fats to burn off, specifically belly fat. This ingredient raises your body’s metabolic rate—the speed at which you burn calories—through a thermogenic effect. Essentially, it is generating heat within the body, which causes the body to burn off fat already stored in various areas as a source of energy. Canadian scientists have reported that a decrease in energy expenditure with aging may cause 120–190 excess calories to be stored in the body every day, which translates to an extra 13–20 pounds of body fat a year! To achieve optimal results as we age, we must restore the ability of our cells to maintain a youthful metabolic rate. Unlike many "fat burners" that stimulate the central nervous system to promote weight loss, Fucoxanthin works directly in fat cells. By targeting energy distribution at the mitochondrial level, this non-stimulatory action provides aging humans with an important new mechanism of action to achieve successful long-term weight management. Fucoxanthin provides a unique solution for safely boosting cellular metabolism. It is also a multi-talented healer with the ability to promote lower blood pressure, reduce unhealthy cholesterol, balance metabolism, and even stabilize blood sugar levels.
White Kidney Bean Extract has been long known to be a highly nutritious source of fiber and minerals. It is now shown to interfere with the absorption of complex carbohydrates (pasta, breads, potatoes, etc.); and as a starch blocker, the white kidney bean is said to be very helpful in weight loss programs. White Kidney Bean is a wonderful source of water-soluble and insoluble fiber that is very helpful for many bowel complaints and helps to prevent constipation. Regarding weight loss, recent scientific studies have produced interesting results with respect to the use of White Kidney Bean acting as a starch blocker. Alpha-amylase is an enzyme that plays a key role in the digestion of foods and is essential for the metabolizing of starchy carbohydrates. Normally, when you eat carbs; your body digests it as sugar, which goes straight into your bloodstream and gets deposited as fat. However, White Kidney Bean Extract has been shown to prevent the stomach from breaking carbs down into simple sugars — so their calories aren't absorbed into your body. Dr. Oz called it one of his favorite fat busters. White Kidney Bean Extract is safe, effective and works to block carbs from being absorbed into your body.
Cassis Berries from New Zealand are a wonderful addition for health and flavor. They are a powerful super fruit, rich in needed nutrients. They have Vitamin C potency four times that of oranges. Rich in anthocyanins, they also have twice the antioxidant power of blueberries. The nutrient dense pulp is rich in nutrients ranging from B vitamins, vitamin C, and essential minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, and zinc. It also has substantial amounts of fiber, amino acids, and essential fatty acids called gamma-linoleic acid. Just 100 g of the cassis berry offers 300% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C in our diets. Research is available as the berry is already consumed in Europe and Asia. Here are just a few examples of some of the health benefits the berry has shown:
- bone health (calcium and magnesium ratio of 2:1)
- positive influence on heart health and eye health
- anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties
- benefit to brain health
- anthocyanin’s in the berry are believed to act as neuro-protective agents
- acts as a detoxifier to cleanse tissues of oxidative stress and also stimulates liver functions
- relieves menopausal symptoms and improve venous circulation
Tips for taking BElean:
The powder is to be taken twice a day, mixed in a liquid of your choice. Studies on the individual ingredients suggest 30 minutes before a meal are most effective. - Now available in Capsule form as well.
This product contains 65 mg of caffeine, about half of a cup of coffee. If sensitive, start with one a day, or half at a time. You may want to take earlier in the day, breakfast and lunch. It also may be helpful to dilute with more water. Can also be mixed with your BEfull smoothie, but again, most of ingredients are recommended to take 30 minutes before.
The ingredients are natural and come from food, so studies show no side effects, but if health challenged or concerned, take the Product Data Sheet PDF to your doctor.
BElean contains clinical levels of all ingredients.
Adding up the individual prices of a month supply of these various high quality ingredients would cost over $250:
Green Coffee $40, Meratrim© plant extracts $42, Raspberry Ketones $64, African Mango $37, Green Tea Extract $29, Fucoxanthin $35, White Kidney Bean Extract $20
Not only is BElean is an unmatched value, it is a product that can help us reach our goals and sustain healthy weight loss, energy, and metabolism.