Here is my facebook page. Where you can find health tips and classes offered and education.
This is the company website that is linked to me. This is the site that you can order your body balance or other Life Force products from.
This is Chris DeLano, my good friend and co-worker's website. She has over 25 years of experience in health and nutrition coaching. Great place for further research.
Holly Wheeler, another co-worker is one of the top clinical nutritionists in the country. She designed the strategic approach of cell saturation using body balance to help people gain a level health they did not know exists.
This site has testimonials of people who have experienced results using Life Force products. Just do a search for any key word in the edit "find on this page" option to search this site put together by a co-worker of mine.
This site was designed to give training and education for anyone interested in Life Force product or business. There is an excellent library on this site that addresses many different health issues