As you know, Japanese nuclear plants are leaking radiation. We are talking about radiation and how we can help people, because we have in Body Balance, the ability to make a positive impact on the entire country. News reports suggest there are increased levels of radiation from Hawaii to California, and all the way to the East coast.
Another concern is how fallout from the crippled reactor in Japan might affect agriculture in the Western U.S., as so many of our fruits and vegetables come from California and the Northwest. Spring rains could well bring radioactive fallout to this year’s crop, and how will radiation in the soil affect future crops?
In Washington, low levels of iodine – 131 has been detected in milk. While the radiation level is low, it contributes to the ongoing radiation exposure that American are exposed to everyday.
Everyday exposures include; some food and water, television, cell phones, computers, radon that is found is basements, smoke detectors, medical equipment such as; x-ray machines, cat scans, radioisotopes for heart disease diagnosis, and even cigarette smoke. Smokers receive doses of polonium-210 and 218 radiation that settle in the lungs. Cancer patients are exposed to ongoing levels of radiation through diagnoses and treatment. Not only are these risks a problem, cosmic radiation exposure is also a risk.
Cosmic radiation exposure is measured in altitude. Mountain climbers and those who live at higher elevations are at risk. Pilots, flight attendants and airline travelers are also exposed to increased risk in radiation. If this doesn’t grab your attention, maybe the following will.
According to Duke University, any amount of radiation can be dangerous because of the potential effect on living cells. Radiation can disrupt normal chemical processes causing them to grow abnormally or die. If excessive exposure occurs, the cells may not be able to replace themselves fast enough.
According to an Associated Press article, dated March 28, 2011, it states, “small doses of radiation over time can cause DNA damage and an increased risk of certain cancers.” In the same article, acute exposure such as the event in Japan, can cause radiation sickness which includes nausea, vomiting and hair loss. Moreover, death may be imminent because of this exposure.
I discovered something very disturbing, and yet fascinating as I went shopping at my local natural foods store. All of the kelp dietary supplements were sold out. This is a phenomenon that is occurring in natural foods stores throughout the Western USA and across the country. While government officials are saying risk of radiation exposure is low from the nuclear reactor catastrophe in Japan, US citizens aren’t buying it. Instead, they are buying foods, nutritional supplements and natural medicines to counter the effects of radiation, to the point where these products are out of stock in many stores throughout the country.
At a natural grocers in nearby Grand Junction, CO they were also sold out of all kelp and much of their green food supplements. I spoke with nutritionists in the store and they recommend kelp, chlorella, spirulina, green foods, selenium and lots of dark green leafy vegetables to help counter the effects of radioactive fallout. So I started doing some research and this is some of what I learned.
While supplies of potassium iodide supplements are rapidly vanishing from pharmacy shelves, few people realize that there are natural sources of iodine that provide more than adequate protection against radiation. Among those foods, sea vegetables rank the highest. Sea vegetables are often referred to as a super food, offering a wide variety of minerals and trace elements. But it’s the sea veggies high concentration of potassium iodide that protects the thyroid from potential radioactive iodine contamination.
Susan Matthews, M.S. and Life Force member states, “On a daily basis, the pituitary stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones T3 and T4. If there is a threat of exposure to radioactive iodine, one protective measure is to flood the thyroid gland with “good iodine” so “bad” iodine would find no binding sites and be flushed out of the body. Of course Body Balance is an excellent organic source of iodine. It is readily absorbed and taken up by our thyroid gland.”
According to Dr. Linda Page, seaweeds purify all the world’s oceans – they can do the same for your body. Seaweeds like kelp, dulce and irish moss can protect us from a wide range of toxic elements in the environment, including radiation by-products, converting them into harmless salts that our bodies can eliminate. Natural iodine in seaweeds can reduce by almost 80% radioactive iodine-131 that is absorbed by the thyroid. Seaweeds are so effective that even the US Atomic Energy Commission recommends that people consume two to three ounces of seaweeds a week or two tablespoons of seaweed supplements a day for maximum protection against radiation poisoning.
During or after direct exposure to radiation, the A.E.C. recommends 8 tablespoons of sea vegetables daily.
We know that there is no safe level of radiation. Radioactive material has a half-life of 25,000 years. Once inside the body, it’s emitting destructive effects upon our cells once inside the body for a lifetime. Dr. Apsley, who was reported in the Sacramento Examiner, praised the benefits of kelp as a means of warding off the damage of radiation. He states, “You can also eat nori sea vegetables in your soup or sprinkle some dulce on your canned salmon.”
Radio talk show hosts mentioned the protective effects of plain old seaweed and how seaweed/sea vegetables kept people alive when they were exposed to radiation during World War II.
Have you heard of the old news of two different Japanese hospitals which were one mile away from the atomic blasts of WWII? Dr. Akizuki fed his patients traditional Japanese food such as seaweed, vegetables, and brown rice from that communal area. His hospital used all natural seaweed and vegetables and the other used commercial foods. In the former institution eating the sea vegetables, “virtually 100 percent” of the people lived, while, in the latter hospital, on commercial foods that did not include seaweed, brown rice, and lots of vegetables including cabbage, all of the people died.
Another account is when Dr. Wade W. Molter, a radiation expert at Harvard University, explained that ½ of the 90,000 survivors of the atomic bombs in 1945 survived 50 years later. Could sea vegetables be a part of their protection? That is a question we could ask.
Again, Dr. Linda Page has much to say about this topic. In western countries, land vegetables are the traditional sources of greens, but vegetables from the sea are nutritious foods and powerful healers that have been used by European and Asian cultures for centuries. I eat sea vegetables every day. I recommend them as a critical part of many healing programs – detoxification, illness recovery, heart health, hormone balancing for women (and men) and much more! Sea vegetables can literally transform your health .When you drink sea vegetables, or take seaweed baths, you’re tapping in to the ancestral and restorative source of all life – the ocean. Just a few of the miraculous health benefits of sea vegetables are:
Super nutrition – ounce for ounce, along with herbs, sea vegetables are higher in vitamins and minerals than any other food. Sea vegetables are really the ocean’s deep greens, rich in vegetable protein, and full-spectrum concentrations of important carotenes, chlorophyll, enzymes, amino acids and fiber. They are the only vegetarian source of B-12 for cell health, containing amounts that rival beef liver (the leading animal source). They’re an excellent source of body building minerals like calcium, iron, iodine and potassium. Sea vegetables contain trace minerals like boron, chromium and selenium that are vital to health, but that modern farming techniques have leached from the soil.
Our body fluids have the same chemical composition as sea water. The same trace elements that run through the oceans run through the human body. Sea plant chemical composition is so close to human plasma, that perhaps the greatest benefit from sea vegetables is promoting our internal re-balance. Sea vegetables act as the ocean’s purifiers, and they perform many of the same functions for our bodies.
Detoxification – Sea vegetables offer superior protection from radiation and heavy poisoning. Studies done at McGill University reveal algin, a component of sea greens like kelp, binds to heavy metals and chemical pollutants in the intestinal tract, allowing them to be safely eliminated from the body. Sea plant algin even binds to radioactive strontium (one of the most hazardous atomic pollutants), radioactive iodiodine-131, barium, zinc and cadmium, flushing them out of the body before they can poison us. Sea vegetables are so effective that the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission recommends that people consume two to three ounces of sea vegetables a day for maximum protection against radiation poisoning.
We, of course, do not claim to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
So, as far as you can see, this is the perfect time to talk to everyone you know and love about drinking our wonderful sea veggie elixir. And like I always say, “Everyone on the planet needs Body Balance.”
And now….more than ever.
Another concern is how fallout from the crippled reactor in Japan might affect agriculture in the Western U.S., as so many of our fruits and vegetables come from California and the Northwest. Spring rains could well bring radioactive fallout to this year’s crop, and how will radiation in the soil affect future crops?
In Washington, low levels of iodine – 131 has been detected in milk. While the radiation level is low, it contributes to the ongoing radiation exposure that American are exposed to everyday.
Everyday exposures include; some food and water, television, cell phones, computers, radon that is found is basements, smoke detectors, medical equipment such as; x-ray machines, cat scans, radioisotopes for heart disease diagnosis, and even cigarette smoke. Smokers receive doses of polonium-210 and 218 radiation that settle in the lungs. Cancer patients are exposed to ongoing levels of radiation through diagnoses and treatment. Not only are these risks a problem, cosmic radiation exposure is also a risk.
Cosmic radiation exposure is measured in altitude. Mountain climbers and those who live at higher elevations are at risk. Pilots, flight attendants and airline travelers are also exposed to increased risk in radiation. If this doesn’t grab your attention, maybe the following will.
According to Duke University, any amount of radiation can be dangerous because of the potential effect on living cells. Radiation can disrupt normal chemical processes causing them to grow abnormally or die. If excessive exposure occurs, the cells may not be able to replace themselves fast enough.
According to an Associated Press article, dated March 28, 2011, it states, “small doses of radiation over time can cause DNA damage and an increased risk of certain cancers.” In the same article, acute exposure such as the event in Japan, can cause radiation sickness which includes nausea, vomiting and hair loss. Moreover, death may be imminent because of this exposure.
I discovered something very disturbing, and yet fascinating as I went shopping at my local natural foods store. All of the kelp dietary supplements were sold out. This is a phenomenon that is occurring in natural foods stores throughout the Western USA and across the country. While government officials are saying risk of radiation exposure is low from the nuclear reactor catastrophe in Japan, US citizens aren’t buying it. Instead, they are buying foods, nutritional supplements and natural medicines to counter the effects of radiation, to the point where these products are out of stock in many stores throughout the country.
At a natural grocers in nearby Grand Junction, CO they were also sold out of all kelp and much of their green food supplements. I spoke with nutritionists in the store and they recommend kelp, chlorella, spirulina, green foods, selenium and lots of dark green leafy vegetables to help counter the effects of radioactive fallout. So I started doing some research and this is some of what I learned.
While supplies of potassium iodide supplements are rapidly vanishing from pharmacy shelves, few people realize that there are natural sources of iodine that provide more than adequate protection against radiation. Among those foods, sea vegetables rank the highest. Sea vegetables are often referred to as a super food, offering a wide variety of minerals and trace elements. But it’s the sea veggies high concentration of potassium iodide that protects the thyroid from potential radioactive iodine contamination.
Susan Matthews, M.S. and Life Force member states, “On a daily basis, the pituitary stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones T3 and T4. If there is a threat of exposure to radioactive iodine, one protective measure is to flood the thyroid gland with “good iodine” so “bad” iodine would find no binding sites and be flushed out of the body. Of course Body Balance is an excellent organic source of iodine. It is readily absorbed and taken up by our thyroid gland.”
According to Dr. Linda Page, seaweeds purify all the world’s oceans – they can do the same for your body. Seaweeds like kelp, dulce and irish moss can protect us from a wide range of toxic elements in the environment, including radiation by-products, converting them into harmless salts that our bodies can eliminate. Natural iodine in seaweeds can reduce by almost 80% radioactive iodine-131 that is absorbed by the thyroid. Seaweeds are so effective that even the US Atomic Energy Commission recommends that people consume two to three ounces of seaweeds a week or two tablespoons of seaweed supplements a day for maximum protection against radiation poisoning.
During or after direct exposure to radiation, the A.E.C. recommends 8 tablespoons of sea vegetables daily.
We know that there is no safe level of radiation. Radioactive material has a half-life of 25,000 years. Once inside the body, it’s emitting destructive effects upon our cells once inside the body for a lifetime. Dr. Apsley, who was reported in the Sacramento Examiner, praised the benefits of kelp as a means of warding off the damage of radiation. He states, “You can also eat nori sea vegetables in your soup or sprinkle some dulce on your canned salmon.”
Radio talk show hosts mentioned the protective effects of plain old seaweed and how seaweed/sea vegetables kept people alive when they were exposed to radiation during World War II.
Have you heard of the old news of two different Japanese hospitals which were one mile away from the atomic blasts of WWII? Dr. Akizuki fed his patients traditional Japanese food such as seaweed, vegetables, and brown rice from that communal area. His hospital used all natural seaweed and vegetables and the other used commercial foods. In the former institution eating the sea vegetables, “virtually 100 percent” of the people lived, while, in the latter hospital, on commercial foods that did not include seaweed, brown rice, and lots of vegetables including cabbage, all of the people died.
Another account is when Dr. Wade W. Molter, a radiation expert at Harvard University, explained that ½ of the 90,000 survivors of the atomic bombs in 1945 survived 50 years later. Could sea vegetables be a part of their protection? That is a question we could ask.
Again, Dr. Linda Page has much to say about this topic. In western countries, land vegetables are the traditional sources of greens, but vegetables from the sea are nutritious foods and powerful healers that have been used by European and Asian cultures for centuries. I eat sea vegetables every day. I recommend them as a critical part of many healing programs – detoxification, illness recovery, heart health, hormone balancing for women (and men) and much more! Sea vegetables can literally transform your health .When you drink sea vegetables, or take seaweed baths, you’re tapping in to the ancestral and restorative source of all life – the ocean. Just a few of the miraculous health benefits of sea vegetables are:
Super nutrition – ounce for ounce, along with herbs, sea vegetables are higher in vitamins and minerals than any other food. Sea vegetables are really the ocean’s deep greens, rich in vegetable protein, and full-spectrum concentrations of important carotenes, chlorophyll, enzymes, amino acids and fiber. They are the only vegetarian source of B-12 for cell health, containing amounts that rival beef liver (the leading animal source). They’re an excellent source of body building minerals like calcium, iron, iodine and potassium. Sea vegetables contain trace minerals like boron, chromium and selenium that are vital to health, but that modern farming techniques have leached from the soil.
Our body fluids have the same chemical composition as sea water. The same trace elements that run through the oceans run through the human body. Sea plant chemical composition is so close to human plasma, that perhaps the greatest benefit from sea vegetables is promoting our internal re-balance. Sea vegetables act as the ocean’s purifiers, and they perform many of the same functions for our bodies.
Detoxification – Sea vegetables offer superior protection from radiation and heavy poisoning. Studies done at McGill University reveal algin, a component of sea greens like kelp, binds to heavy metals and chemical pollutants in the intestinal tract, allowing them to be safely eliminated from the body. Sea plant algin even binds to radioactive strontium (one of the most hazardous atomic pollutants), radioactive iodiodine-131, barium, zinc and cadmium, flushing them out of the body before they can poison us. Sea vegetables are so effective that the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission recommends that people consume two to three ounces of sea vegetables a day for maximum protection against radiation poisoning.
We, of course, do not claim to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
So, as far as you can see, this is the perfect time to talk to everyone you know and love about drinking our wonderful sea veggie elixir. And like I always say, “Everyone on the planet needs Body Balance.”
And now….more than ever.